Well we have this pair and they had babies like 10 days ago now they are free swimming and then we feed them brine shrimp yesterday and it was so COOL!!!! I can't wait till they get bigger. they look like little tadpoles.... then we have a pair thats probably at my house by now and then we have these DD blacks coming... then I can't wait till the pleco pair lays eggs then when they get big enough Im going to sell them. I wish the babies grow faster.... I want to know what they look like.... then Im going to buy my uncles pair that he has for 30$ Im at 22$ right now but Im going to get enough money to get them. I wish we didn't have practice tonight then I can stay with my fish. the pictures is the pair.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
May 19 entry 68 Fishroom Journal
Well we have this pair and they had babies like 10 days ago now they are free swimming and then we feed them brine shrimp yesterday and it was so COOL!!!! I can't wait till they get bigger. they look like little tadpoles.... then we have a pair thats probably at my house by now and then we have these DD blacks coming... then I can't wait till the pleco pair lays eggs then when they get big enough Im going to sell them. I wish the babies grow faster.... I want to know what they look like.... then Im going to buy my uncles pair that he has for 30$ Im at 22$ right now but Im going to get enough money to get them. I wish we didn't have practice tonight then I can stay with my fish. the pictures is the pair.
Monday, May 17, 2010
May 17 entry 64 Fishroom Journal
This is so awesome because we finally have a good pair thats taking care of the babies... My dad and I have to start the Brine Shrimp Hatchery today. Then my Smokey and DD Black paired up and had babies.. then I think there's another pair. in the same tank with another Smokey and DD black. Im so excited and the best part is, is that Im going to try and get my dad to let me use the 55 gallon we have to put these baby angelfish I found on Craigslist. Im so happy because we might have babies and my dad bought 12 DD blacks and then we have another pair coming.... and my plecos are doing very well.... Now my dad might make a rack for out four 10gallons.... I can't wait til practice gets over tonight then I can tell my dad about the baby angels for sale.... and start the Brine Shrimp hatchery.... and Ask him if I can use his 55gallon we arnt using.
Monday, May 10, 2010
May 10 entry 63 fishroom journal
Well my parents went and got more fish tanks for our fishroom and Im happy.. and the guy gave me a pair of plecos they the female is and albino and the male is black they are bristle nose plecos.... And we got more eggs for the same pair but they ate them... tomorrow or Wednesday we have another pair coming which Im excited.... I have posted my website on the class blog thing so you should visit is some time... our fishroom is in progress
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
May 5 entry 62 Fishroom Journal
Well I want to get more fish tanks but we cant at the time..... I might get a 55gallon or higher.... to put my rams in.... Im going 2 put clay pots and leafs and rock found by river and driftwood I cant not wait till I get one.... I now have a guppy pair so yep I think the female pragent so yeah its cool I guess... Im super tired and hope we get more fish tanks
Monday, May 3, 2010
May 3rd Entry 63 Fishroom Journal
Well I might get a 55 gallon fish tank for free.... the same pair that laid eggs laid more eggs so Im happy but they ate them:( but my dad and I are going to take the eggs out next time they lay them which will probably be in a week... I hope I get my 55 Gallon because then Im going to buy Cichlid Sand and put it in there with rams and other fish mostly rams( German Blue, German Gold, Ruby Crown Rams) so Im excited.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
April 28 Entry 62 Fishroom Journal
YAY!!!!!!! I get to get a 55 Gallon Fish Tank... And its my very own.. Im going to put rams( German Blue, German Gold, and Bolivian Rams) in it Im so excited as you all know what going in it structure wise Im putting in it sand, broken clay pots, non broken clay pots, pieces of broken pots, live plants and thats all Im so excited you can't even imagine and the problems is that I dont have money to get the fish but Im going to get the money. Im getting the fish tank on sunday:))))
Monday, April 26, 2010
April 26 entry 60 Fishroom Journal
Well we got our three pair in today making that a total of five pairs... we lost them for awhile and finally found them and they look great... Im saving up my money to get a 55 gallon fish tank to make a community tank or rams... and there's going to be sand and real plants and broken clay pots and pieces 0f broken pots and there will be just rams in there and I think it'll look really good in there... but I have to save up my money to get it first... I really like rams and angelfish and for those of you who don't know what they look like here what they look like (Top)..
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