Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28 Entry 62 Fishroom Journal

YAY!!!!!!! I get to get a 55 Gallon Fish Tank... And its my very own.. Im going to put rams( German Blue, German Gold, and Bolivian Rams) in it Im so excited as you all know what going in it structure wise Im putting in it sand, broken clay pots, non broken clay pots, pieces of broken pots, live plants and thats all Im so excited you can't even imagine and the problems is that I dont have money to get the fish but Im going to get the money. Im getting the fish tank on sunday:))))

Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26 entry 60 Fishroom Journal

Well we got our three pair in today making that a total of five pairs... we lost them for awhile and finally found them and they look great... Im saving up my money to get a 55 gallon fish tank to make a community tank or rams... and there's going to be sand and real plants and broken clay pots and pieces 0f broken pots and there will be just rams in there and I think it'll look really good in there... but I have to save up my money to get it first... I really like rams and angelfish and for those of you who don't know what they look like here what they look like (Top)..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21 entry 59

well me and my dad where changing our fish water when.... I saw angel fish eggs it was cool.... now there in a different tank.... well last night we had our first track meet and we got 4th but should so of got 3rd... I was mad because I didn't get to race but on the bright side I met a hot girl :) :) :)
Yeah so i got something out of that... Tomorrow we have another track meet at starmont and I get to race so I can't wait... I really don't know what to write about.... well in the bathroom today CJ went to the bathroom and a kid walked in and Jay, Rusty and I were in there because he went into a stall and stared to make noise and say things just to make us laugh and a kid walked in so it was funny.... I don't have any F's but to D's so I might get to run tomorrow... I wish the track meets were CO-ED because then there would be hot girls

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14 entry 57 The Fish Room Journal

Well I got my new fish and they look really good and The way they arrived I'd buy from them again.... My dad and I made fish stands in our basement... I don't think my sister likes walking by them and hear the noise of the bubblers and I love that sound and I don't know why... I hope we get more fish. my dad has some fish coming there are three pairs coming and we'll probably have fry (baby angel) and My dad and I might have a business selling Angels and Shrimp which will be really cool because I'd like to sell them because we can get money and get more tanks or more fish.... But it'll probably be hard to take care of them I don't know I guess we'll find out..... It'd be really cool If we get Pleco's because there really cool and I think it'd be fun to breed them.... But school work comes first and sports because if my grades the fish will go and that motivates me to do better in school.

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12 entry 56

My dad and I made another fish stand and we have fish coming today..... and tomorrow we have 3 pairs coming which is cool then on thursday we have rams coming...... Tonight we have track which sucks and I hate it..... I'm tired and want to go home and play PS3 all day.... I might have to run more tonight because of a F which sucks... I have to keep writing..... i hate school because it useless and you don't learn much..... I wish I was homed schooled because then I can have an hour class then play video games..... this is dumb and so is track.... Im hungry.... why does school have so boring and dumb