Wednesday, September 30, 2009

every day i wake up and wishing it was saturday for there's no school but that not coming true till saturday so yeah tommrows our springville game and i earned back my tail back spot witch rocks or i might be a tight end WOAH i cant wait till tom row because where going to win and i no it I'm pumped and i have practice after school and i'm going to work my butt off because i don't want anyone taking my spot... next week we play preston witch thats the game where i sucked but next year we are going to win and kill them last week i hit the punter and that pumped up the coach

Monday, September 28, 2009

sep 28 entry 10

All the shows i like.....

dirty jobs
man vs wild
survior man
fansty factory
south park
family guy
america guy
home imporment
nitro cirus
larry the cable guy
according to jim
fresh prince of bel air
saturday nights
furter rama
american chopper
family matters

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sep 25 entry 9

all the movies i like

Fast & Furious
Iron Man
all spider mans
water boy
step brothers
house bunny
super bad
never back down
longest yard

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sep 23 Enrty

Today is the 23rd and this weekend has gone by fast and Tomrrow we have a football game and im not ready for it so yeah i hope we win and that would be cool i really don't no what to write about so yeah to night i have to go to my church witch is boring but i have practice to night witch my practice jersey really dirty and my inter pads stick really bad and i hate it so yeah i got my internet working at home but i barley ever have time to get stuff done because every week day i have stuff to do and when i get home from practice i barley have time to do homework

Monday, September 21, 2009

sep 21 entry 7

today is the 21st and on oct 1st or 14th i may get a new phone so i cant wait.... but to day is a early out and we get out at 12:30 so today going fast and luke is coming over till football practice witch i don't want t0 have because its cold out so thats no fun but Im just going to wear long sock and a long shirt so yeah but Im in 6 period and lunch is at the end on school so next we have computer and then study hall and then lunch and then 5 period

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sep 18 Entry 6

K I wrote a thing and I send to my dad so here it is Wrestling

When I wake up at 5:00 in the morning and he the school bus in it with dick in it driving and when My dad wakes me up because I go with him I because I love to go and watch my dads wrestler wrestle... I always remember getting on the bus and seeing dick the bus driver and hearing him say hey seth how are you and I answer tired and I remember that the first person we picked up was Matt Silver and then we’d go get the other guys.... to be continued.... I like to talk about wrestling and me and my best friend luke like to talk allot but if you put us in a room together we talk about different thing because Im a city boy and Luke's a farm boy so we talk about different cars what happened in town what happened there it's all different things

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Today is a day where I dont have time to do stuff for instinces I have church to night and I have a football practice first I mena who wants to go to football and then church And Its our first football game tommrow thats not cool and im getting out of practice early and I hate it so yeah i dont like church GO CENTRAL CITY!!!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept 14 Entry 4

On saturday I had to go to my cousins wedding and I was a usher and I took people to seats and logan went because his mom and my cousin work at my dads work and they work in the same apartment and so we messed around and then I went home tired and the next day I played runescape the hole day and Now to day is weird because we have an early out and its messed up and then luke is coming over and were up to practice together but now I'm bored and i got a new snowbored witch is awesome and i cant wait till my first football game because right when we do a 28 sweep i know i will have a good block and take to the end zone but then i'm not going to celbate im going to hand the ball to the ref and get back to the hudle or side lines and when we win our first game its going to cool because coach said that they haven't one a game in 3 years and thats going to change and the worst part is, is that we have to travel a long way witch ÷÷¬˚∆∂ƒ©˙©ƒ∂߃©˙©ƒ∂ƒ∑´ç®√†∫¥

Friday, September 11, 2009

sept 11 Entry 3

Yesterday I woke up and I didn't feel good at all I was aching my leg hurt and that so when it came to football i only got to practice in kick off and punt and then they said that i should stop practicing and take my shoulder pads off and for i dont get even more sick and hot and that so i had to watch and i got to do little drills and it wasnt fun but today im allot better than i was yesterday a lil sick in the throat and my leg better so maybe i can practice to day and stick it out and after i have to go to a wedding rehesal because my cousins wedding tommrow and its on the iowa iowa state game witch sticks but idc iowa will win and then i dont have anything to do to night after but atleast we have p.e. t0 day and ill wonder what we'll do and that?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sep 8 entry 2

Im at school..... And i can't wait to till P.E. and then i have football today and can't wait for that to .... but then I have to go to my sisters game and I have allot of homework but maybe I can stay home lets hope... but after Im going to play runescape i love to play runescape it a way for me to zone out of everything and do what i want on it so i play it everyday so yeah i don't want to go to my sisters game because i highly doubt she'll go to my football games and i also can't wait for her to go to college because then i won't have to see her but ill have to do her chores witch really sucks but ill get more money for it and then my game this thursday got moved because we didn't have enough time with pads and were not ready so now i have to wait till next thursday and that against springville but oh well at least we'll be ready and i got A new wii game its called wii resort but yeah its fun so yea.... but then for studie hall i have to go with mrs. hagerman witch i don't want to so yeah.... i do no know what else to talk about.....?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :)=

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September 1, Entry 1

Today I woke up early and it took me 10 minutes to get ready.... I got to eat breakfast at school.... now I’m in period 6 and tonight I have Football practice.