Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept 14 Entry 4

On saturday I had to go to my cousins wedding and I was a usher and I took people to seats and logan went because his mom and my cousin work at my dads work and they work in the same apartment and so we messed around and then I went home tired and the next day I played runescape the hole day and Now to day is weird because we have an early out and its messed up and then luke is coming over and were up to practice together but now I'm bored and i got a new snowbored witch is awesome and i cant wait till my first football game because right when we do a 28 sweep i know i will have a good block and take to the end zone but then i'm not going to celbate im going to hand the ball to the ref and get back to the hudle or side lines and when we win our first game its going to cool because coach said that they haven't one a game in 3 years and thats going to change and the worst part is, is that we have to travel a long way witch ÷÷¬˚∆∂ƒ©˙©ƒ∂߃©˙©ƒ∂ƒ∑´ç®√†∫¥

1 comment:

  1. Weddings+

    Did you have fun at the wedding or was it pretty boring?
