Friday, October 30, 2009

Oct 30 entry 22

On halloween Luke and I are going as a married couple and Im the boy and Luke the girl and then we are having more people coming with us and after Luke and I are going to scare people and were going to watch the Iowa game and he staying the night to night witch were going to be dumb to night so I cant wait and I cant wait till our first Wrestling meet because I haven't wrestled anyone Live and I cant wait to do that so yeah I cant believe Iowa ranked 4th in the nation because thats huge and I hope the teams above them lose because that'll move them up and It'd be cool if Iowa goes to the Rose Bowl because they haven't been there for over 10 Years I think that they can beat ohio state next week but they have indiana tomorrow at 11 a.m. GO HAWKEYES

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oct 28 entry 21

I like Cheese... I like milk..... I like chocolate milk.... I like cereal... Im seth..Im super Hunk yeah all the girls go wild for me I know Im suppose to stop fighting but it's hard when you see hunderds of girls fighting for you but Im not the smartest guy I run into thing a lot like poles and that it hurts so yeah I like whip cream... I like Cheese... Im lactose-intolerant cruds

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 26 entry 20

Tonight we have wrestling practice and i can't wait... but that iowa football game was awesome i mean where was marvin at we need him in the other quarters but our defense rocked they shout them down a lot but now iowa is ranked 7th because USC is 4th and the have one lose and I don't think they should be at that rank i mean it's bad they suck and there the only team thats has 1 lose in the top 5 IDK Im not a fan of them at all so yeah it'd be really cool if Iowa beats Ohio State because there a tough team and that will be a good game and iowa beaten up they have some hurt players

Friday, October 23, 2009

oct 23 entry 19

Today i'm going 2 lukes house and i cant wait because Im bring my Wii and were going to my guitar hero world tour and other games and my uncle came over one day when i had the guitar hero game and now he has it and he's going to come over... i like milk... some day and we will go against each other but when i go to Lukes house where going 2 ride his new four wheeler... i like cereal.. and i get to ride a blue one and yeah then im going 2 watch the iowa game against michigan state at 7:00 and its a night game and i like there when they play in night games because i love when there under the lights and there helmets are shiny and it gives me goose bumps and i love to go to there home games because when your in there stadium and you look at there big screen it show them walking out of the tunnel and they get pumped up and they play back in black and its cool to see them do that and when there at there wrestling meets that gives me goose bumps 2

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

oct 21 entry 18

Hi im super seth im a super hero well not yet but i will and Im enemies with jay son and chinnese dude with weird eyes who talks like ƒ©˙∆ƒ©˙¨¥¨¥®∑∑∑††øøß˙˙ƒ˙ƒ˙ƒ˙its weird but i will kick his booty and the worse part is i cant even under stand him it's weird because Im like WAA. and I swear that boys cheese fell of his cracker it so yeah

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oct 20 entry 15

Hi my names seth I like ice cream i like choclate milk.

K.... Im a neat freak about my garage and my lawn because well what guy doesn't want there man space to be a gressy or who wants there lawn to look like crud i don't Im always in my garage or on my lawn clean it taking care of it because that the way i am i love to get all greasy from my bike and i always work on my bike

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

oct 14 entry 15


THis is a tiger hawk its the iowa hawkeyes tiger hawk logo the hawkeyes are awesome and are 6-0 in football and thats pretty cool to be undefeated and i want 2 go there when i grow up and wrestle and play football there that only if i have good grades which i won;t so ill probly go to a little college and that'll stink so yeah..... GO HAWKS!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

oct 12 entry 15

today we have a football game and it's against springvile and were going to kill them and then one wensday i get my new phone and i want a env so i can't wait

Friday, October 9, 2009

oct 9 entry 14

every animal i like

fish i like: crappie rock bass, catfish, blue gill,black crappie, white crappie,large mouth bass,small mouth bass,carp,channel catfish,bull head catfish

every jungle animal,white tiger,tiger,lion,zebra,gazil,water buffalo,

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oct 7 entry 13

What i do for fun

play football
ride bike
play video games
watch tv
play basketball
ride in a car
get in hot tub
pogo stick
jump on trampoline have a bonfire
watch sports
play games
go to friends house
shot a gun
read books
play on laptop
go to games
rack leaves
go to a place
go to gramas

Monday, October 5, 2009

oct 5 entry 12

we have practice after school and its cold and Im sick so it not going to be fun and i going to see if i have to go because it'll be harder to breath breath because my nose is cloged and i can get even more sick but im tired and im hungry so yeah i but if i tell the coach its hard to breath they'll make me sit out which will suck