Friday, October 23, 2009

oct 23 entry 19

Today i'm going 2 lukes house and i cant wait because Im bring my Wii and were going to my guitar hero world tour and other games and my uncle came over one day when i had the guitar hero game and now he has it and he's going to come over... i like milk... some day and we will go against each other but when i go to Lukes house where going 2 ride his new four wheeler... i like cereal.. and i get to ride a blue one and yeah then im going 2 watch the iowa game against michigan state at 7:00 and its a night game and i like there when they play in night games because i love when there under the lights and there helmets are shiny and it gives me goose bumps and i love to go to there home games because when your in there stadium and you look at there big screen it show them walking out of the tunnel and they get pumped up and they play back in black and its cool to see them do that and when there at there wrestling meets that gives me goose bumps 2

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have a lot to look forward to. Thanks for writing a lot. This is a pretty long entry; you should be proud of yourself! :)

    Good job moving from one thought to the next.
