K Im not going to talk much about the Iowa game because we still have a shot a the rose bowl and all we have to do is beat minnesota and Ohio State and I think that the new quarterback will be good and yeah.. well I got a new bed this week and its awesome and I love it and I was Lazy this week and Yeah... we have our first wrestling meet to night and I cant wait for it because I love wrestling and I hope i do good so yeah and I cant wait till lunch So yup Im tired and We have a wrestling meet tomorrow and on thursday and I wish I Had a PS3 because I could get on the Internet and play call of duty on Line and I could do other things so yeah Im bored and I don't know what to do so yeah GO HAWKEYES
Good luck with wrestling. You have to be pretty determined to go out for that sport! Good work staying on top of school and sports; that's awesome!