Monday, November 9, 2009

Nov 9 entry 25

K Im not going to talk much about the Iowa game because we still have a shot a the rose bowl and all we have to do is beat minnesota and Ohio State and I think that the new quarterback will be good and yeah.. well I got a new bed this week and its awesome and I love it and I was Lazy this week and Yeah... we have our first wrestling meet to night and I cant wait for it because I love wrestling and I hope i do good so yeah and I cant wait till lunch So yup Im tired and We have a wrestling meet tomorrow and on thursday and I wish I Had a PS3 because I could get on the Internet and play call of duty on Line and I could do other things so yeah Im bored and I don't know what to do so yeah GO HAWKEYES

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with wrestling. You have to be pretty determined to go out for that sport! Good work staying on top of school and sports; that's awesome!
