Monday, March 29, 2010
March 29 entry 60
Well on Saturday night I went on a fish site and I found this guy in Montgomery Illinois and it was a 4 hour drive and I asked my dad if we'd go and he said yeah but we'll have to wake up at 6:00 and he wasn't kidding.... He woke me up at 6:00 and we went and got fish.... it was worth it tho..... I was tired that night... and my dad and I might make a fish room.... other than that... billy came over on friday and well we hit golf balls by my house and he bout hit a house.... then we played golf on the WII and he was by the green and used a driver and smacked and it hit the pin and went in and I tired and missed then we made a video.... that was funny.... we had fun.... we have track tonight and my mom not going to be home when I get home so ill be playing PS3..... Im addicted to that system
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
March 24 entry 54
I have fish coming from North Carolina and I can't wait because they are angel fish.... and tonight we have to go to church which sucks monkey.... Oh well I can get out of it.... I'm tired right now and I don't know why so yeah I wish we had a early out and I didn't have to go to church and I wish it was summer and we got to keep our laptops and I wish we had allot of fish tanks because my dad got me into Angel Fish and I can't get of these angel fish Forums because of him so yeah ...... I hate Church and I hate school but Oh well there's nothing to really talk about so yeah..... I want to go home and make a Huge Room just for angel fish tanks with breeder tanks and angels...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
March 10 entry 52
tonight I have weight lifting and pitching so I can't wait then I have church which sucks... Im tired tho..... I can't believe metcalf lost K thats not right he's ranked 1 in the nation .... but oh well.... they looked like crap in the finals k they need to work there crap out and get more in the finals we are doing well this year but they'll do good.....
Monday, March 8, 2010
March 8 entry 51
K I got another fish tank with a homemade stand and it is really cool.... my dad found it off of craigslist and we got it yesterday and it has a thing where you can put another tank at the bottom and it looks nice we have four tanks now and its cool and we have snail eggs and they should be hatching in time this week :=) .... I like having the tank in my room because I can watch the fish.... its a big tank to... the fish we have a peace full they don't attack others unless its a pair which means the girls pregnant .... the not a aggressive fish ..... and yes in the background of the one with the fish its a iowa poster.. :=) I told my dad to put it there..... My uncle has fish tanks mounted in his wall and he like 13 tanks and he has Discus and rams and he had snails but the Discus killed them..... Discus are pretty but there really hard to take care of... I mean you have to change there water allot and If you get the you have to put allot of effort in to them....
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
March 3 entry 48
Im so bored right now...... I do not know what to wright about..... I want to go home and sleep... I don't want to go church tonight because its boring and dumb... Im so tired right now.... I have to go to weight lifting tonight and I really don't want to go but oh well..... I can't wait till track because I love to run because Im fast and running just my thing like at football practice people are wining and I tell them to suck it up and run because Im use to running... I run allot to
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