Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29 entry 60

Well on Saturday night I went on a fish site and I found this guy in Montgomery Illinois and it was a 4 hour drive and I asked my dad if we'd go and he said yeah but we'll have to wake up at 6:00 and he wasn't kidding.... He woke me up at 6:00 and we went and got fish.... it was worth it tho..... I was tired that night... and my dad and I might make a fish room.... other than that... billy came over on friday and well we hit golf balls by my house and he bout hit a house.... then we played golf on the WII and he was by the green and used a driver and smacked and it hit the pin and went in and I tired and missed then we made a video.... that was funny.... we had fun.... we have track tonight and my mom not going to be home when I get home so ill be playing PS3..... Im addicted to that system

1 comment:

  1. This should be entry 55! :)

    Glad to hear that you got new fish.
